5 Simple Hijab Styles you’re Dying to Know! (HijabiStar Wannabe)

You know when you’re sooooo curious about something that you have no other choice but to go straight to OUR BLOG PAGE!  Yup, that’s right, YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT PAGE!

Welcome back, Beautyssss!

This week’s topic is to help you people with NO skills or “Newbie” people who want to try on a Hijab OR you ladies who are just lazy or lacking skills to wear a proper Hijab!

Anyway, less talk and more action, so let’s get started with our 5 Simple Hijab Styles!

PS: if you hijabis are still confused OR just feel lazy to read, DON’T WORRY! We have a video tutorial waiting for you right at the end of this post! So do watch it, okayy??


~ Start by putting on your hijab cap(anak tudung) over the head
~ Pin and secure your hijab under your chin with a sharp,needle-like cloth pin (but be careful not to pin your DOUBLE CHIN alright) and make sure one side is longer than the other
~ Simply turn the longer part around your neck
andddd YOU'RE DONE! 

side note: You have 2 options: One,just leave it hanging OR two, you tie it up underneath.  


~ Put the hijab cap over the head and pin your hijab under your chin, just like the first style
~ But this time... make sure length of both sides are equal
~ Flip it to another side of your shoulder (this is why it is call side to side :D) 

side notes: You have two options here as well: One, have it tied behind OR two,leave it hanging. Either way, you still look good!  ;)


~ Start with a hijab cap over the head as always
~ Pin your hijab like the first style: Under your chin and one side longer than the other
~ Simply THROW the longer part on TOP of your head and secure it with a pin
andd you're ready to ROLL!


~ As always, set your hijab cap over the head and pin the pin hijab under your chin with one longer than the other
~ Simply pin the shorter part to your hijab cap. and stuff the remaining cloth behind your neck
~ For the longer part, simply flip it on the other shoulder 
andddd you're ready to go out with your Wavy hijab!


~ As usual, put on your hijab cap and have your hijab one side longer than the other
~ This time its different: you pin your hijab behind your neck instead of pinning it under your chin
~ Take some part of the shorter side and pin it near your ear (just like in picture no. 4) 
~ Hold the longer part and bring it to the back to pin at the other side of your head
andd you are done!
Remember to FLIP your hijab when the wind passes by ! :P

Here is the video for better understanding. Hope you learn from it!


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